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Able Auto Transport


Auto Transport Canada

June 16, 2021

Getting Ready for Car Shipping Across Canada

Choosing an auto transport service for long-haul or cross Canada moves is the smartest way to get your vehicle from point A to point B, so just by choosing to ship your car, you’ve already won. But before your pick-up date, there are a few things you should do to ensure that your auto transport in Canada goes as smoothly as possible.

Verify Your Insurance Coverage with your Provider

The good news is that companies that provide car shipping in Canada must have insurance; the bad news is that this insurance may not be as comprehensive or complete as you may think, and often comes with higher deductibles. Before shipping your car, it’s a good idea to check with your auto insurance provider to see what your auto transportation coverage is. If you are not sufficiently protected, you may want to add additional coverage.

Make Sure Your Car is Clean

This may seem like an unimportant detail, especially if you are using an open-air auto transport where your vehicle is likely to get dirty while travelling anyway. However, beginning with a clean car makes it easier to take note of any damage before leaving, so there are no surprises or disagreements when your vehicle arrives.

Remove All Personal Items from the Car

Auto transport in Canada is generally safe; however, you should still make a point of removing all personal effects before shipping your car. When cleaning the outside of your car, take a moment to remove loose items that have accumulated inside the car. This includes things like after-market accessories such as GPS or stereo systems.

It also goes without saying that you should not use your vehicle as a shipping container for other items; if anything were lost or damaged, you might not be covered.

Disable the Alarm

If your car has an alarm system, do everyone a favour and make sure to disable it before shipping. Some people prefer to tell transport drivers how to turn the alarm off, but drivers may change when shipping a car long distances or across Canada. If the alarm information hasn’t been passed along, drivers are allowed to disable car alarms by any means should they go off during shipping, and unfortunately, you will probably be on the losing end of that deal should damage occur in the process.

Ensure the best car shipping experience possible by taking a little time to follow these pointers. Car shipping in Canada is the easiest way to transport vehicles long distances, and when you ship with Able Auto Transport, you will never regret not driving yourself.


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