Your trusted auto transport providers
1-888-462-2122Able Auto Transport nor its (agents) shall be responsible for the following: These exclusions are all standard business practices of the auto transportation industry: By either submitting your order online, by phone, sending us your order by via fax or email or website or booking at Able office in person. Able Auto Transport understands you have completely read and understand Able Auto Transport Terms and conditions, and are placing your vehicle transport order and accept all the terms and conditions (in lieu of your signature) found here and on Able Auto Transport Web Site.
1. General Refund and Cancellation
You may cancel your shipping order at any time prior to the assignment of your vehicle (order) to a carrier at zero cost to you with no cancellation fees. Your full deposit will be refunded to you at its entirety. All cancellations must be via phone, fax, or confirmed email to our branch. If a customer’s vehicle (order) has been assigned to a carrier and the customer decides to cancel, a administrative cancellation fee of $200 will apply. Customer will be notified via phone or email when a carrier has been assigned for their order. Customer should be aware that Able Auto Transport has the right to cancel any order at any time.
2. Pickups and Deliveries
Able Auto Transport cannot assure a specific driver/carrier or designated vehicle spots on a carrier. Carrier will drive vehicles on and off the transporter. Driver/Carrier will pickup and delivery vehicle(s) at your door as close, safely, and legally allowed. If carrier cannot pickup or deliver your vehicle at your door due to street restrictions, residential locations, hanging trees, or any other common basis for which a carrier cannot load/unload, a joint (customer/carrier) agreeable location may be necessary to safely and legally load and unload vehicle(s). Port pickups and deliveries are subject to additional charges of $100 to $300 or more in certain ports. Customer must inform agent if it’s a port delivery or pickup. Driveway charges for private pickups are subject to additional fees. Call our office for cost on driveway charge. Customer must assign someone on their behalf in the event customer is unavailable to release and accept vehicle. Customer must notify Able Auto Transport who is the person assigned. Photo ID will be required.
3. Times and Dates
Able Auto Transport provides approximate pickup and delivery updates. ETA’s are just approximate times/dates and serve the customer as a general guide to the status of their vehicle. Able Auto Transport is not responsible for delays in transit due to truck mechanical issues, road conditions, weather conditions, or any other common delays. There is no “guarantees” in relation to pickup and delivery times or scheduled dates. Able Auto Transport will not be responsible for any financial loss/damage due to delays of any cause. Able Auto Transport is not liable for car rental cost or any other type of delay accommodations or wage loss.
1. Damage of incurred due to personal items left in the vehicle. 2. Damage to boots, caps, bras, wipers, wind/bug deflectors, or any other related covering canvas. 3. Damage to antennas, audio equipment, or phone equipment. It is the customers responsibility before having the vehicle transported to remove vehicle antennas or radio whips to avoid damages. Able Transport does not cover any antenna related damages. 4. Damage to vinyl or cloth over 2 yrs old. Any loose items, canopies, bed liners, cargo tops, loose tailgates, or any items considered loose. 5. Damage to undercarriage, mud guards, tie downs, lines, brakes, exhaust system, suspension, wheel bearings, worn, keys and locks, worn or flat tires causing rim or further tire damage or alignment. Able Auto Transport and the assigned carrier are not liable to any of these items, because (no evaluation of such items are made at pickup). 6. Damage sourced to leaking fluids, in relation to, brake fluid, transmission fluid, motor oil, battery acid, steering fluid, and radiator coolant or any other related leaking fluids not described in this section. 7. Damage to battery or freezing cooling system. Protection from freezing is the customers responsibility. Customer is responsible to boost their own vehicle. If any boosting is required a charge of $25.00 will be billed or added to the customers transport invoice. Able Auto Transport does not take any responsibility for any vehicle electrical problems. 8. Damage caused by a vehicle unable to load or unload off the carrier on its self power or lost of breaking system. If tow truck is required then extra charges will be billed to the customer. Charges can vary. 9. Damage due to factory tie downs or frame tie down through holes. 10. Damage due to “Acts Of God”. Hail, heavy rain, tornadoes, heavy winds, ice, heavy snow, sand storms, floods, lightning, avalanches, earthquakes, rock slides, and mudslides. 11. Damage due to flying objects flying up from the road including falling from the sky or over passes. Damage do to road construction. Able Transport does not cover glass damage or rock chips from road debris. Or any “Act Of God”. Customer should carry personal vehicle insurance coverage for this type of damage or request a company with enclosed carrier services. 12. Damage not noted at the pickup due to any weather (rain, snow, ice)- vehicle being too dirty, tape covered or poor lightning conditions. All customers should have their vehicles prior washed and ready for Able’s driver to do a proper pre inspection. 13. Water damage to inside of vehicle due to broken glass or inoperative windows and doors or tops. 14. Private customer vehicles must be properly insured by the customer encase of theft, vandalism, or fire while on Able Transport property. Able Transport insurance only covers the vehicles while on the carrier under cargo. In case of any damage claims there will be a deductible of $800.00 that the customer will be responsible for and this amount will be payable to Able directly prior to body shop repairs. All customer vehicle five years or older to be insured by the customers insurance for the entire duration of the vehicle shipment. Making a false claim is illegal and subject to prosecution. 15. Mechanical function damages include, engine, transmission, clutches, rear end, motor mounts, drive train, wiring systems, power steering, air bags, brake cables, under carriage, cv-axles, u joints, drive shafts, suspension, wiring, or vehicle computerised systems. No inspection evaluation is performed at pickup location therefore Able Transport or its agents cannot be held liable. (also refer to sec. 4 vehicle preparation).
4. Vehicle Preparation
Customers are responsible for preparing the vehicle(s) for transport. Any racks or luggage should be removed otherwise specified by transport specialist. Vehicle(s) must be in working running condition unless noted on the shipping order. Able Transport does not haul non running vehicles. Vehicle must not be under 1/2 tank of gas, 1/4 tank of gas ideally. Customer is liable for any caused damage or human injury caused by an attached loose part of their vehicle coming unattached during transport. Any vehicles low on fuel will be subject to an add fuel charge of $25.00. This fuel charge will be billed extra to the customer invoice. New vehicles in transit for dealer trade it is sole responsibility of the dealer trades principals to have the vehicle requested to have sufficient fuel before picking up and to avoid a fuel add charge by Able Transport. Able Auto Transport is not liable for any kind of mechanical or anything in relation with operating auto parts. (refer sec 15 Liability Disclaimer). Alarms must be disarmed otherwise provide instructions to the transport specialist and the carrier at pickup. Driver carrier is authorized to silence the alarm in the event the alarm goes off.
5. Personal Items
No. The Department of Transportation does not allow auto carriers to transport household goods (personal belongings) in vehicles being transported. Personal belongings in a vehicle being shipped are not covered by the carrier’s insurance. An auto carrier will be fined and your personal belongings will be impounded if they are pulled over for inspection. Able Auto Transport is not liable for any loss of personal items in the vehicle or any damaged items due to the transportation of the vehicle. Carrier may dispose of any personal items considered unlawful contraband. Some illegal items include money, guns, ammunition, explosive, live pets, or any other related illegal items.
6. In-op/Non-Running Vehicles
In-op/non-running vehicles are subject to additional charges/fees. Charges/fees can be anywhere from $200 at the minimum for small compact vehicles and up to $1,000 for large vehicles. If a roll back is required customer is fully responsible for those charges/fees. Please consult with your transport specialist for the estimate charge. In the event that the vehicle is in-op before pickup or becomes in-op while in transit and it is not noted on the order, the customer is fully responsible for the fees/charges applicable to transport in-op vehicle(s). Charges/fees will be due at delivery to the carrier after final inspection of the vehicle. Able Auto Transport is not liable for any of the in-op fees/charges in the event the vehicle becomes in-op before pickup or while in transit. Able Transport does not haul non running or salvage vehicles.
7. Oversize and Modified Vehicles
Customer must disclose/inform Able Auto Transport prior to pick up of vehicle(s) on the following items, oversize vehicles, oversize wheels, lifts kits, racks, tidy tanks, strobe lights, ladder racks, limos, low clearance vehicles, non runners, or any simple modification(s) made to the vehicle(s) for proper charge(s). In the event Able Auto Transport is not informed (prior to the pickup) of any of the items mentioned above, the carrier may refuse to transport the vehicle due to odd size modifications that may damage the vehicle or risk cargo. If carrier does transport the vehicle(s) customer is liable for all charges/fees associated with the transport. Charges/fees will be due at delivery to the carrier. Auto Transport is not liable for any associated fees.
8. Carrier Bill of Lading/Inspection Reports
Carrier and customer are to make a full careful inspection of the vehicle’s exterior and note the bill of lading/inspection report for any pre-existing damage. Carrier and customer are to acknowledge the condition of the vehicle at both the pickup and delivery locations. Carrier will supply a copy of the bill of lading/inspection report at both pickup and delivery locations. In the event the carrier does not have a bill of lading/inspection report it is the customer’s full responsibility to request a copy prior to the pickup and delivery. It is totally at the customer’s discretion to ship the vehicle without a copy of the bill of lading/inspection report. Any customer dropping vehicles after hours will do at their own risk and Able Transport will not take any responsibility thereafter for damages or theft. The order is subject to all the terms and conditions and bill of lading/inspection report of the actual carrier. The customer’s bill of lading/inspection report is provided by the carrier’s office and is also provided to our office by the carrier.
9. Vehicle Damage-Read Entire Protocols Liability Disclaimer Before Submitting Any Claims***
Any vehicle damage that can be directly linked to negligence by the assigned carrier/driver must be detailed in the bill of lading or condition report and acknowledge by both the customer and carrier/driver regardless of weather conditions or time of day. A signed bill of lading or condition report without any damage notation serves to verify that the customer and or assigned person has received the vehicle in the same condition it was before shipping it and that Able Auto Transport and its agents are relieved of any and all further liability. It is the customer’s full responsibility to inspect and go over the vehicle with detail at both pickup and delivery of the vehicle. Receiver is responsible to note any damage upon delivery of the vehicle. In the event a vehicle has been delivered after business hours, the receiver has 6 hours of the next business day to report a valid claim. No claim what so ever will be honored after this time frame. Any damage must be reported promptly to our office dispatch by phone, and pictures of damages as well copy of the condition report, VIN number, vehicle mileage, and or bill lading must be emailed within the time frame to Upon reviewing the pictures, and at Able Auto Transport discretion- two estimates are required from an Autobody shop prior to any claims authorized by Able. Able will not consider claims unless the above procedures are followed. Please review this entire disclaimer before filing a damage claim as certain claims are inapplicable and not covered by Able Auto Transport (see section liability claimer). Able Transport does have a $800 deductable that is directly payable to Able Transport or will be deducted from the final repair invoice. This deductable applies to all Able customer claims. For those vehicles who’s values are higher than general market value, Able Auto Transport suggest the customer to purchase an insurance rider through their personal insurance company. Any customers repair claims approved by Able Transport. Any minor damaged parts replaced with new then the old parts becomes immediate property of Able Transport. Removed parts must be available for the personal or representative of Able Transport to pickup thereafter. If parts are not available then half of the actual value (new) of that part or parts will be deducted accordingly from the customers final repair invoice. Able Auto Transport is not liable for any type of damages caused by “Acts of God”, as weather conditions, hail storms, sand storms, snow storms, floods, tornados, winds, heavy rain, lightning, earthquakes, avalanches, rock or mudslides, ice as well broken parts of the vehicle due to worn parts of the vehicle. Able Transport will not cover any damage from debris kicked up from the road or falling from the sky or bridges. Broken glass or chips due to any type of flying objects will not be covered by Able Auto Transport as this is unavoidable on any open carrier. No open car carrier company covers this type of damage. Customer should maintain personal insurance for this purpose or request for services by an enclosed car carrier company. Able Transport will only transport by an open car carriers. Any severe damages that needs to be addressed through Able Insurance then the vehicle at all times must be readily available for Able Insurance adjusters to view before repairing. If the vehicle is not available for the insurance adjuster to view then Able Transport will not be held for any types of liabilities or losses, and the claim will become VOID. Able Auto Transport nor its (agents) cannot be held liable for further depreciation of the vehicle from being repaired, loss of vehicles sale, delivery delays, rentals, or any other types of loss related to that damage claim. (refer to bottom paragraph). Able Auto Transport will not pay for any damage based on just a statement charge or parts list or from a shop estimate sheet. Actual repair invoice will be required from a registered repair facility doing the repairs with the facilities proper gst number, contact, and name of the repair facility. False repair invoices are illegal and subject to prosecution as well reportable to AMVIC and Canadian Revenue Agency. Avoid yourself a legal audit. In no way once the customer has booked through phone, fax, email, web booking that any damages under dispute can be counter deducted from other vehicle transports or related owing accounts by that same customer. This damage under dispute can only be applied towards that (single) vehicles bill lading or invoice number from Able Auto Transport and must be matching the vehicle identifications pickup and drop information. Any and all other customers vehicles transported not matching the vehicle identifications will have no relativity to monies owing for the particular claim in dispute. Also see section (9) vehicle damage protocols.
10. Form of Payment at Delivery
No personal cheques, debit cards or credit cards are acceptable for the remaining balance. There are no exceptions. Remaining balance must be paid in cash, or by EFT (electronic funds transfer) to carrier office/driver.-Applicable to private customers and brokers. If the remaining balance is not paid in the form of cash, or by EFT payment the customer acknowledges the vehicle will be placed in a storage facility. In the event the customer is unable to pay the remaining balance in any of the forms described or is unable to accept the vehicle, the customer is liable for storage fees $25.00/day, and any re-delivery costs. Customer vehicles that are not picked up from Able Transport yards on due dates will also be subject to storage fees at $25.00 per day. Dealership vehicles are excluded and will not be charged storage fees.
11. Claims and Subletting
All customer agrees that this is the only contract between the parties governing this transport and no other agreement or contract is action of any kind may be initiated against the transporting company (agents) or the transporting company (if any). Any disagreement, claim, or controversy arising from these terms and conditions, performance or breach thereof, shall be subject to the jurisdiction of Alberta in the city of Edmonton law courts. Customer acknowledges and agrees to waive any right to jurisdiction of this matter at any other location other than Edmonton Alberta Canada. Able Auto Transport can only be liable for the deposit from the quote provided to the customer in the order. Able Auto Transport is not liable for any claimed damages caused by the carrier. Any false claims made by customers is illegal and fraud. Able Auto Transport will file fraud charges through the Edmonton Alberta law courts against any customer for fraud as well lawyer and court costs accumulated thereafter.
12. Subletting your vehicle transport through a Broker
If you have booked shipping through another independent Broker or Car Transport company other than Able Auto Transport. Sublet customer vehicle claims or contract for damages must be initiated to the (broker) if applicable that has originated the vehicles transport booking and taken transport payments direct with the shipping customer. Ables claims clause is effective immediately for any customers at hand that have “ not” booked their vehicle transport directly through Able Auto Transport through phone, via fax, email, or Able website or at Able offices. Able Auto Transport and its (agents) are relieved from any type damage claims, losses, court costs or delays in dispute if you have booked through another independent (broker) that sublets your vehicle for transporting. All of Able Auto Transport terms and conditions apply.
By either submitting your order online, by phone, sending us your order by via fax or email or website or booking at Able office in person. Able Auto Transport understands you have completely read and understand Able Auto Transport Terms and conditions, and are placing your vehicle transport order and accept all the terms and conditions (in lieu of your signature) found here and on Able Auto Transport Web Site. Able Auto Transport 4516 Eleniak Road Edmonton, AB T6B 2S1 Email: FAX: 780-468-2482 Office: 780-465-0210